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The End.... for now


It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you...


The owners of The Tram Inn have declined our offer. They have also decided to take the public house off the market - it is no longer for sale.


We know many of you will find this as a crushing blow - however, we believe the last year has shown that our community comes together in force when needed. And the sky is the limit when it we put our minds to it - it's just unfortunate that there's a barrier none of us can pass for now.


Instead of feeling crest fallen, it would be incredible to transfer the energy and inspiration we pinned at the thought of steering the destiny of a own community run pub towards making more of the community spaces we can invest in - like the village hall! And don't forget we also are lucky enough to have The Strand, our village shop and many groups and events available!

Please make sure you're following that page



Soon there will be a new yoga class starting in January and there is movement in the works for pop up restaurant nights to begin in 2025.


From all of us who started this campaign - thank you for supporting it, we can now walk away knowing we tried our very best!

Should we plan a public event at the village hall in to celebrate our community - BBQ, live music, dancing and laughs? (if you want to help organise that, pipe up and be heard )


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